5.11. 2015. Lisinski Concert Hall, Zagreb, 17:00
Opening of the international conducting competition "Lovro pl. Matačić"
21.10. 2015. HGZ Zagreb, 20:00
Opening concert of the Zagreb soloists 15/16 Season
Triade cycle, Museum for Arts and Crafts, Trg maršala Tita 10, Zagreb
10.11.2015., 20:00
Charpentier& Lully – Musique pour le roi soleil
M.A.Charpentier: Les plaisirs de Versailles, J.B. Lully: Chaconnes, Musique pour le coucher de roi
8.12.2015., 20:00
Henry Purcell: Dido&Aeneas
5.4.2016., 20:00
The English madrigal
intermezzi by Edin Karamazov/John Dowland.
10.5.2016., 20:00
Monteverdi: V libro di madrigali
TRINITAS cycle, st. Catherine's church, Upper Town, Zagreb
29.11. 2015., 20:00 - Magnificat
J.S.Bach: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, Monteverdi: Psals from Selva morale et spirituale, Nunc dimittis- Byrd, Paert, Rahmanjinov.
21.2.2016., 20:00 - Lamentatio
Orlando di Lasso: Lamentatio Hieremiae Prophetae
13.3.2106., 20:00 - Passio
J.S. Bach: St.John's passion
24.4.2016., 20:00 - Viribus unitis
with New Trinity Baroque
Monteverdi: Gloria , Bachov: Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, Baldassarea Galuppija: Dixit Dominus in B